Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wow! Christmas has finally came and gone. It has been a really busy xmas for me this year yet it was a GREAT one!
Had chalet on 23-25th, 1st night we had our thanksgiving it was good, gave awards to some of the members to appreciate them for sowing and sacrificing to the cg. Guess i just jote down the names of my awesome members!
Best comer- Lum Shi EnTransformer of the year - Lim WeishunJob Award - RongpingBarnabas Award - TireneFaithfulness Award - Stan AngDavid Award - EigeneEvangelist of the year - Stan AngOn the second night of the chalet, my dad held a party for all his workers. Stan rongping and weishun helped me out in leading games and i must say the games
really spurred up the whole crowd and all the workers had a great time of fun! It was a GREAT success and i'm really so proud of them for sacrificing their time to help out on Xmas eve and making things happen =)
But what i really want to thank God for is this xmas we hit 32! Not everybody will understand what i mean but it's ok! haha. Ohya and weishun's friend daniel, gave his heart to Jesus this Xmas. He was sitting at the last row, all the way back of the hall but he was so bold, he walked all the way down to the aisle during altar call! I'm very happy for him, his life is going embark on a new exciting journey with God from this Xmas on.
Of course, this Xmas wont be complete without... PRESENTS!! Guess what's the BEST gift i got this Xmas?? Ronald bought me a ED HARDY TOP!! cost him a BOMB! I was really surprised and very very happy coz i always wanted a Ed Hardy top. And when he gave me the present he was so excited! Haha, it was as if he was getting the present..
To my dear ronald if you're reading this: we went through alot this year, lots of ups and downs but i thank God that He brought us through and made us stronger as individuals and as a couple. Thanks for loving me the way you do and never giving up on me even at times when i was really unreasonable and during times when our relationship was on the rocks. Through you, i experienced what unconditional love really is and you made me realised that Jesus really loves me because He gave me you. I love you ronald, you are the best thing that has ever happen to me =) Lets keep this relationship strong and continue to love God and serve His purpose for our lives ya? We gonna shine even brighter for Him in year 2008! :-)
Lastly to all my friends, MERRY MERRILY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO you ALL! 2008 gonna be a year of greater breakthroughs for you!! =)
Monday, December 17, 2007
CAMP BREAKAWAY!Just came back from camp 2 days ago.. was totally shagged coz i only slept for 1 hour plus for 3 days! All the youth leaders look so tired on sat.. i could almost feel as if i'm floating when i'm walking around..asking others to repeat twice before i can catch what they are talking about.. we worked really hard for this camp, all the plannings, the stresssss yet what's more important is CAMP BREAKAWAY WAS A SUCCESS!!!
Everybody were excited, enthusiatic esp Wayne's house, i'm really very impressed by their team's unity and zeal and needless to say.. they won the best cheer! "HUat ah!" (those who went for the camp will know wat that means =p) My house not too bad too.. we won the BEST SUNSHINE award! 3 cheers to OGRES!
But what impacted me most during the camp is really the presence of God that had been with us. We prayed hard that there will be no rain during the camp and God is good, there hadn't been a single drop of rain for the whole of 3 days!! I'm truly amazed because the past few days, there had been downpours everywhere and even during the camp, there were places that was raining heavily but the rain just bypassed us. God is indeed our pillar of cloud by day and fire by night.. He really perform miracles when we pray. Wow!
Another thing that touched my heart was the services that we had during the evenings. The first night Wayne preached, a powerful word and many youths responded to the altar call! There and then, i felt the Holy Spirit told me "if this camp only got 1 soul saved, it is still worthwhile" but i'm really glad so many youths gave their hearts to Jesus.
And during the second night, it was phenominal. Pastor Audrey preached about encounters with God, presence of God was really tangible, almost everybody knelt down before God with tears in our eyes, yearning for more of His presence in our lives. What impacted me deeply was when i saw Pastor hugged a newcomer who responded to the altar call, for very long and that young gal just kept crying and crying.. the love of God simply swept the entire hall and melted all our hearts.
The camp ended with sat service at expo, with Pastor Kong's powerful word that evening. Sometimes people ask me why don't i lead a normal life, why stretch myself so much and make myself so busy so stressed up.. but ya.. like what Pastor said, "normal people simply don't change world.." I also liked what pastor mentioned about "our words will frame our world".It is really true, the way we speak and amount of vocabularly we are exposed to will determine the type and amount of people we can impact and have influence over. Hmm.. looks like i got to invest more time increasing my vocabularly rather than on shopping... haha.
I desire for more breakthroughs in many areas in my life, my relationship and ministry and i know the phase from tradition to transition will involve many many sacrifices and take alot of me but i'm willing to pay the price. I've only got 1 life to live, i want to make each day count for Jesus and make a difference to my world.
One of life's most fulfilling thing truly is to see lives being transformed and changed. Do you agree with me? =)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
CG meeting was GREAT today!
i felt that the presence of God was really there, especially during worship. I felt really ministered myself while leading and it's the first time that i led worship and cried.
Everyone kneed down before God and it was really a beautiful sight.
Bible says that "those who humble themselves will be exalted". Kneeing before the throne of God really requires humility, it's an act of submission before God.. it's telling God that "God, i need more of You in my life bcoz apart from you i can do nothing."
And really, it's our humility that touches the heart of God. "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart. These, O God, You will not despise" (Ps 51:17)
So many times in our lives we always try to accomplish things leaning on our own strength, own wisdom and things do happen but by the end of the day we get drained or even burnt out. But when God comes in, things seem so much easy, we will know how to respond in every situation and there will be joy and peace that will follow us.
In the midst of my busyness i feel that i need to rely more on God's strength, not just in some areas or somtimes, but in every area of my life, everyday, a total yielding unto Him.
Humility before God is really a beautiful attitude and it pleases God. And as we humble ourselves before God, bible says that we
will be exalted, means that our breakthroughs will come and God will bless our lives.
Anyway, back to the cg meeting. It was one of the best cgm that i've led so far and it's all bcoz God showed up in the meeting today. =)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Shared this for testimony during cg, thought i post it here too! =)
Miss Starhub: Hi, this is starhub customer care, how may i assit you?
Me: Hi.. I'm Miss See.. my line just got suspended, could you check for me how much must i pay to get back my line?
Miss SH: Sure, may i have your number?
Me: ok. 8********
Miss SH: I'll do a check for you, please hold on to the line... **music***
Miss SH: Thank you for waiting Miss See, you currently have a outstanding balance of 300++, you need to clear 280 inmediately to reconnect your line.
Me: Ok, can i clear 150 first and the rest by the weekends and get back my line? i need it quite badly actually.. (In all my past experiences, this was a NO NO! Moreover the bill this time round is so much higher than previously...)
Miss SH: Sure, you just call back when you've made your payment and we will reconnect the line for you
Me: *surprised* Oh ok, so do i look for you?
Miss SH: it's alright, you can jus look for any of my colleague. Ok, i tell you what i will reconnect the line for you now, within an hour you just got to keep your word that you will make the outstanding payment
Me: *shock for words* Oh.. that will be great so means i don't need to call back isit?
Miss SH: Yes. i will do the reconnection for you now.
Me: Ok, thank you very much, may i know what's your name?
Miss SH: Es** (i forgot.. haha)
Me: Thanks alot for your help
Miss SH: You are welcome, thank you for calling SH....
WOW! this is the best customer service i've ever experienced from Starhub. I'm really impressed by the lady's customer service, considering the needs of the customers, helping to solve problem instead of looking only into her own interest.
If only all starhub workers are like her.. starhub will have revival man!(i worked in starhub before..)
But isn't it true? if everyone choose to put the interest of others before self and learn to be a giver than a taker, the world will be a much more happier place to live it..
Life is full of choices, we can choose to make someone's day and leave a smile on their faces
"it's more blessed to give than to receive."
The Miss SH has truly made my day =)
My exams are finally over!! Yay!! I'm really glad and relieved! Went to kbox with py and wy right after my last paper, had a great time shouting into the mic.
Py was really crazy... haha! she jumped on the sofa.. cannot imagine rite.. i guess that's what happens when one person just underwent extreme stress.. ahha
Anyway, after that yu and dor came over to my place to stayover! We kept laughing non stop playing all the silly games, acting like "gamble-queens" and making fun of "DAXIONG"... poor bear. Huiyu was the first person to doze off.. lousy... left me and dor watching "windstruck." Nice show to watch actually.. my 3rd time watching that show. Anyone wants to borrow just ask k. =)
Looking back, it has been a 5 years of friendship.. amazing.. and it's still going strong!
To dor: thanks for being the ever-efficient secretary, keeping us bonded as F4. What will F4 be without you?? Ru guo mei you ni...
To yu: Aiyo.. my best study khaki, u are my motivation. Always enjoy sharing things with you, you are a great listener and encourager. Thanks for always fu-yaning me to do crazy and silly stuff tog, like taking pictures with the dustbin?? haha only you and ris will do that with me lo..
To rain: You never cease to amuse me with your lame jokes and your stories.. you brought lots of joy into my life! Muz take care of your health k! LETS GROW FAT TOG!! wahahahas
Let's continue keep this amazing friendship alive ya? till we are surrounded by many children and our hair turn grey. Thanks gals for always being there to share my ups and downs.. Love you gals loads. =p
I thank God for friends and i thank God for giving me wonderful friends. To all my friends out there.. a shout out to you "You light up my life and i love you!!! =)
Starbucks keep you awake for the night? Not true...
1/2 awake..
Xmas tree at bus interchange.. weird.. haha
ANother one!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
MY LAST DAY!!!!YAy tmr's my last day of exams!! Can't wait for it to end!!!! The end is really better than its beginning.. haha!
Going kbox with Py and Wy after my paper tmr and dor and yu will be coming over my place to stayover tmr!!I'm Really looking forward to it! heh
Thurs will be going out with my members for movies and fri prob going JB!!
OHYA and next week's CAMP BREAKAWAY!! followed by cg & family chalet and yes, XMAS is coming!!! JIngle BELLS!!!!
Decemeber gonna be a fun-filled month.. oh man i'm getting really excited!!!
But till then.. back to my mugging.... thanks to all my friends for your encouragement today to ask me to "jia you".. real sweet of you. =) Wo hui Jia you de!!
It's 145am..the night is still young....
Study HArd DESTINY!!
This is the right attiude to study.