Has been quite burdened lately, about cg about my studies.. i desire to see more breakthroughs and growth but somehow things aren't really happening yet.
I'm going back to the foundation, to prayin and fasting. God will answer my prayers, i know He will, so i'm going to "keep on asking.. keep on seeking.. and keep on knocking.." If i really want something then i got to be desperate for it so i'm going to keep on asking God and working hard on it!!
I desire to see my family members and friends giving their hearts to Jesus because Jesus really loves them. Alot alot..
I desire to see my members growing stronger in their faith in God, loving and serving God more
I desire to see revival in chc and in cg..
I desire to have deeper encounters with God
i desire to see As and Bs in my modules..
"delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.." God is delighted when we seek Him, when we put Him first in our lives yet so many times we focus on getting our desires that we neglected God and when we dun get what we desire.. we start to get bitter and even start to question God why..
I guess we just got to stop focusing on what we want and ask God what He wants to do in our lives and when we please the heart of God then He will give us what we desire..
And we will only know what God wants to do in our lives when we spend time praying and seeking Him.. THat's why prayer is so important and prayer unlocks God's blessings into our lives!
hmm... i sound like i'm preaching.. just can't help it, it flows naturally =p
So yup, i need to build up a stronger prayer life!

Our meeting point: Lavendar MRT. People on the trip:shuting, Guanzhen, terence and Keewei
AND ME!!!!

On the bus to KL!

2am in the morning.... Tired..


Queuing for the "Twin Tower" at 8am

3D video of the Petronas Tower

My Favorite Picture! Stylo rite!

Group photo!


didn't sleep the night before... super tired ah..

The shopping paradize!

Our first dinner of the day! KL's food super nice!!!

we visualize a 50 000 seated stadium somewhere in the marketplace..


KL's monorail


Fruits of my shopping spree!!

On 11th Jan....
Suppose to meet up only with Eigene for dinner then i saw my cg members outside thai express! Had dinner with them and they sang birthday song for me (it wasn't my birthday..). But it was really sweet. They gave me a "star"candle (i really like it) and a mushroom soft-toy (i look like mushroom meh?). That really made my day =)
On 13th Jan....
At the end of the cg meeting, eigene shouted "we want to appreciate you!" My cg sang
"everytime i think of you" for me and said alot of sweet things to me. Oh and they gave me an trophy! -Best cgl 2007 (i really really loved it!). That was the most special cg meeting i had in all these years and i am really really touched.
To my dearest w431 members: Thanks for all the words of encouragement and appreciative words, you guys may not know it but it really encourages me and make me feel affirmed and appreciated. And i really liked the gifts, i'm going to put it somewhere that i can see everyday because i am reminded that there's a group of people whom i can count on and i am reminded this is a team who's going to do "great and mighty exploits for God." Thanks for bringing so much joy into my life, let's look forward to a GREATer 2008, 2008 gonna be a year a GROWTH in our walk with God, in our lives and in our cg! =)
"Everytime i think of you, my heart is filled with joy... i thank God each time i think of you"

ONe LaSt gLimpse @ 2007...!

Batam Misson Trip with bible school students

Commandos outreach

With Sweet Qianqi

My dream pets

AN thanksgiving with the cgls

With my ex-members @ JJ's wedding

JJ's wedding! With my ex members

Xmas party 2007

Tirene's xmas carolling with chc choir

Taken with Belle at Vivocity xmas carol

Our 2 year anniversary

Me and Ron

Bible graduation in September

Celebrated terence 21'st at Yishun