Thursday, May 29, 2008
I went home 3 times and went out 4 times today.. Crazy eh?
Anyway, it has been a fruitful day for me today even though i'm really tired.. Went out of my house and realised i got no money with me so went home to get it.. then went NTU to have lunch with a new friend and her 2 friends in the morning, after that went to meet kaifei and guanzhen at coffee bean, went home to do my work, went out to teach tuition and my student forgot bout it.. !! Hai.. so lesson was cancelled and i went home again for dinner, went out 1hr later to teach piano (siao rite?), went to meet member after that and finally...HOME SWEET HOME!
SOmetimes i just love staying at home.. spending time with my family.. doing my own things. i used to love hanging out till late but now if i had a choice i would rather go home than go out. Am i sick of Singapore or am i getting older? But come to think about it Singapore is getting really boring.. it's buildings i see everywhere and prices are soaring even fastfood meals cost at least a good $5+. Everywhere is getting so commercialized even Sentosa, a place that i used to love to hangout at is transformed into another commercialized island... Soon it will be Puala Ubin. Economic goals are vital for a economy to thrive but it is not and shouldn't be the only aim of a society and it cannot be done at the expense of its people, their freedom, their space.
In a fast paced society like Singapore.. sometimes i wonder are people really happy? Is being successful and wealthy their definition of happiness? Or rather the state's definition of happiness? I cannot help but think that there are many Singaporeans who aren't truly being happy despite being succesful. And i belive there are many who aren't pursuing their dreams because of the monetary factor that we are constantly being reminded of..
Whatever it is, we've only got one life to live. Don't limit yourself, aim high, soar high, dream big dreams. Live life to its fullest and maximize your potential. God has planted a seed of GREATness in everyone of us that is waiting for us to unleash. Do something about your talent, multiply it and don't bury it. Seize the day and make each day count for Jesus.
Seize the day, don't live life based on temporal happiness, pursue eternal happiness, true happiness. Happiness is a choice. Your true happiness is your choice.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Met up with Ron today after not having seen him for a week.. Must say it was really a fruitful time spent together though we were just hanging around at my place. We shared alot of stuff, about sot, cg, family.. I just feel good sharing with him and Ron's really a great listener, he makes me feel that he understands what i'm going through and he's always so positive about things.
Just hope that we can spend more quality time together..
but i understand, he's working hard for our future and yeah i'm going to work hard too! =)
And i met up with another special friend of mine last friday, Kaifei. We haven met each other for almost one year but despite of that, when we met up there weren't any awkwardness at all instead we just kept sharing about our lives, our ministry and our visions.. Someone once told me before that true friends are those that are held close to each other's hearts that even without meeting much, the closeness always resides and through a simple word or gesture u will know exactly what the person is thinking or feeling. To me, Kaifei is indeed one of my true friend. Thinking back, i've almost lost a great friend like her due to my busyness. I thank God i didn't and i told myself i must and will treasure this friendship from now on.
In our lives, friends come and go, it's not easy to find one who'l stay and stick by you closer than a brother, not easy to find one whom u can pour your heart with and share your joys and sorrows. When we find one, we must cherish them and not let this friendship go because the feeling of regret is really a terrible feeling to go through..
Life is fun because of friends but life is made beautiful with true friends.
If you have found a true friend, tell her how much u appreciate and treasure her and you'l be surprised to see how the friendship will begin to develop and grow.
If you haven found one, take time to invest and sow into your friend's life. No one's created to be a lone-ranger. Building a friendship requires time and lots of effort but it's all going to be worthwhile afterall.
Build friendships. Built it to last.
Proverbs 18:24 "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Recently i have been wondering why some people can be so irresponsible?
To ignore my repeated calls and smses...
To make me wait for 1 hr plus and then didn't turn up when he promised he will.. What's worst, not even smsing or calling me to apologise for making me wait in vain!
And it has happened time and again and again..
Can you
please stop taking me for granted?
This is really horrible.. can you please be more kind to me? i'm a girl.....
I'm really sick and tired of all these nonsenses.. please.. behave like a man and stop all these irresponsible behavior.
Make your word your bond and don't keep breaking my trust..
I really believe maturity doesn't comes with age but with the ability to accep responsibility.. Whoever u are, please...... grow up!!!!!!
Be a responsible person that people will respect and trust.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Just received a letter from MOE yesterday and guess what....
I GOT INTO NIE!!But what i'm really thankful to God about is i am offered to teach both Econs and music in Sec school which is what i've always wanted and have been praying for...
God is good, and
miracles do happen when we pray. Those of you who heard bout my audition would know why it's a miracle.. ! God really answers our prayers when we ask Him persistently. I'm really thrilled, excited and thankful =)
I'm starting the new chapter of my life on Jul21, 2008, am really looking forward to it!!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Something interestingA: Hey, you still owe me money!
B: Hai, money matters again..
A: Of coz money matters!
B: Does money matters matter?
A: It doesn't matter whether money matters matter, what matters is you paying back me back my money!! That's what really matters...
B: ....
Thursday, May 8, 2008
15 hours more to go for my last battle..
17 hours more to end it..
The last paper's always the toughest, i guess just like any race, the final lap is always the toughest. Requires lots of stamina and discipline to stay focused. Somemore all my friends have finished their exams!!! They must be out there having fun.... =(
Alright, i must
FOCUS! FOCUS FOCUS!!!Tmr is the beginning of fun and rest!
Going to be a AWESOME weekend ahead!
Gz msged me "all thes best for your exams, jia you!" throughout the week.. Thanks gz if you're reading this, appreciate your smses =)
And to all my friends and study khakis (hy, wy,py, ter, jer, ivan, gz & ch), thanks for all your prayers and all the 加油ss!! Thank you, really appreciate all those simple gestures, it means alot to me =)
And of coz not forgetting my dear ronald who studied with me and encouraged me throughout my exams, thanks ron, you're the best !! =) =)
Okiee.. back to my human anthropology.....

Thursday, May 1, 2008
1 paper down...
4 more to go!!!
Next few papers are crazy.. 1 on sat and 2 on monday!! AHHHHHH!!
I think i don't need to sleep the next few days already..... =(
Can't wait for exams to end.
Pastor msged me the other day " Hi Yongxin! Just want u to know tat i will be praying for your exams! :-) "
I felt really encouraged but her msg and it puts a smile on my face (^_^)
Thank you Pastor, 我会加油的!!!
The end is going to be better than it's beginning... =)
Phil 4:6-7: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."