First day of school @ Innova JC today. I really like the school!
Reached school @ 745am and met a new friend who's also on contract teaching, teaching econs, was from NUS and stays at bt Panjang! Really Blessed =) My colleagues are very nice, showed me around the school, brought me to lectures and tutorial and introduced me to good food in school! My HOD's very nice too, didn't throw classes and workload immediately to us but instead wants us to observe lessons more till end of the year, get ourselves equipped and familarised with the culture of the school. In fact i'll only be taking up just one or two tutorial classes per week. Feels a bit weird from transition from student to a teacher, now can't joke around too much in school anymore. The students were very attentive and obedient, all punctual for lectures, no one's sleeping! It's so unlike me last time.. LOL.
The best thing is school ends at 1240 everyday!! Latest 140.. this is luxury man!! Haha. But of coz i cannot take for granted and be slack, muz prepare well for all my lessons and produce A students!!
I'm loving it!! It's gonna get better and better!!! =) =)
I spend $100+ on formal clothes today!! Heart pain le... Formal clothes are so ex!!!!
Just went to Innova JC to check out the school.. it's really big but i kind of like the environment =)
Tmr going down to the school again to look for the principle, then to suntec, sgh, teach guitar and cg!! Busy and long day tmr.. followed by a busy weekend and monday i'll start to teach!! Looking forward to it =)
Time to gear up my engine for work again!! Jia you ba Destiny!! =)
Just came back from my Taiwan graduation and mission trip. I totally enjoyed myself and i am missing every single bit of it especially the Taiwan youth camp!
I was assigned to be in charge of food together with my bubbly friend Jieyi and Meifong. And because of this i manage to interact alot with the taiwanese and made friends with a couple of them! I must say that they are all so humble and friendly.
One of them who impacted me the most was this taiwanese guy. His name is Junwei, at a first glance i thought he's a member of the church coz he is always seen carrying the boxes of food, serving the people but later i realised he has been a cgl for 8 years and he's even a church staff!! Here i was thinking that i'm on a mission trip, it's indeed a sacrifice for me but he has been to many many mission trips, even preached before and yet he's so humble. It seems as if God open up my eyes to see what true servanthood is really about. It's about giving all that you've got to serve His people, status and recognition doesn't matter at all because it's not unto man but unto Him.
The sessions were GREAT too!! Presence of God was very strong, the youths are really hungry for God, i saw their hands lifted straight up and there were tears in their eyes, i was really touched by such a sight.
I was very touched by one of the session where Pastor Tan preached about the breaking of the bread. At the end of the sermon, the 10 pastors and Zs went around the hall breaking bread to their cgls and members. I was serving one of the ZS from newlife church, almost everyone he went to had tears in their eyes as he passed them the bread and later on he told me he wanted to find one of his cgl. The hall was really packed, we went around the hall many times yet he persisted and when he finally found her he broke a big loave of bread for her and she broke down and cried. I felt really touched and i was reminded of what Jesus said to his disciples as he broke the bread "Here is my life, take it..." I am reminded that i am where i am today because Jesus has given His life and also because my Pastor and all my ex-cgls have given part of your life to me. To all my ex-cgls(Grace, Jeryn, Debra, Jillian and Isabel) and pastor if you are reading this, Thank you for always believing in me, for sowing into my life and bringing out the best in me, i am where i am today because you have sacrificed and given part of your life to me. Thank you so much =)
Aside from the mission trip... i got something very exciting to share.. that is i am being posted to Innova JC!!! I was totally surprised when i received the news because it is simply impossible for someone without honors to teach in JC. Furthermore, i didn't even have degree in music! But God is indeed a good God, He open doors that no man can shut and He knows the desires of my heart. Yep! So i'll be teaching music and econs starting next week! I am really looking forward to it, i want to make a difference in IJC and bring out the best in each of my students! =)
I'm moving on to a new chapter of my life, though alone yet i will not be afraid nor dismayed. I wil be strong and courageous for i know God is with me. =)
Faith prayed for me last night, i was close to tears and after that she told me, "you need faith to enter into your Destiny." How true isn't it?That's true both in the spiritual and natural and i laughed when she said that. Thank God for faith, for this wonderful friendship and for bringing us back once again, we are going through stuff together yet that only makes us stronger and more fervant for Jesus! My dear Faith, let's jia you ba, we're going to soar even higher and dream greater dreams for Jesus!!!
Agogo birthday party @ my place

Youth Camp Khakis -Me, Jieyi, Mengru, Joey

With the Taiwanese!!!

Celebrated Yan's bday @ Coffee Club

Celebrated my bday @ Yuki Sushi!

With Kayleigh before she flies off to Australia, take care my fren!